Monday, January 13, 2014

ComPosing a Lovely sOng ...

I have a song in my mind and still worKing on it :)
i will look forward to pOst it heRe soon.. wait ya!!

I'm still thiNking of tHe lyRics..

itS gonna taKe sOme time!!

shoulD it be a Love song??

Should be a sOng oF liFe ^_^

a LoVeLy LiFe!!

then it sHould be a lovely melody ~

a Happy LiFe LoVe song..

i will post it if it is dOne. don't worry ^_^

~sometimes, some other things can make life interesting and better~

FoUnd anD Got a JoB . . .

It won't be easy.
And it won't be harD.
If you say you can, you sure CAN do it!!
Its all dePends on How you taKe it. :)

After tRaVeLling, I feel cool and warM..
I think I am getting Closer to my Dreams..
Its a nice and pRofessioNal job
alThough people are throwing their temper..
I wanna giVe my Best!
It is relateD with my stUdies
and tHe saLary, juSt fine with the sKills that I have.
I'm not that skilled.. yOu kNow tHat too.. bUt.. I will Do the Best!!!

  Its a good oPpoRtunity to Grab.. Just Try an eRRoR..
If it was a mistakes, it will be a great experience..we don't lose anything
but sTiLL
I won't let it be a reGret!! 
If we try and do the best! we can beat the reSt!!
FiGHtiNg  HYe Mi yah!!! Eun hYe Mi!!!

tOwaRds Professionalism.. I just had this feeling.. with the waRmth oF lOve..
tO be a career wOmen
Success in Life! To create an interesting LiFe and doing the best in my life.
I am so excited for this job and was hoping to be excited to tHe end!! Good Luck you alls.. :)

~we don't know until we try~

You maKe iT GLows

Just to know your stOry, how you doIng, woRds frOm you.. make me feels like cRazy.. I know you aLways tHere.. to keep living just like this.. still can make the hearts glowing and sHining... This fanTasy thiNgs always tempOrary but... LoVe is uNpreDictable.. Its jUst too sWeet :)

Its okay if we far, its okay if you can't be mine, its okay if i'm not in your mind
me myself is enough to make it glows..
I'm still move on... and will keep moving...

~love is something we experience~

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why is It GloWing

It is always gLowing beCause Love neVer leaves....
A wiSh to say Good Morning everyday... never gonna be real.. But we kNOw..they are sOmewHere out theRe.. Therefore, itS okay if we aRe not toGether... Its a Heart. that keeps gLOwing... ^_^

havE a niCe Day

NeVer lOse youR sMile..

~always there for me~

Sunday, January 5, 2014

AbOut ThoUgHts

Since I had choose not to further my study to degree level, because of certain conditions and reasons.. I should be working very well rite??
I should be good at something.. There must be something....
As long as I'm doing my best.. I might be good at a lot of things..
If I'm not that good, I still can learn about it.. Everybody can do it! Fighting Hye Mi!! Gambatte!!
But I'm gonna continue my study later on... in the future.. It's also a dream of me ^_^

Just believe in yourself and be yourself
" talk with confident, walk with confident, work with confident"
and believe me, you can do it after many trials...

Because it really works... I have prove it!! 

Whatever job that you do, If you do it with heart,
focus and commitment, You can be the best, and beat the rest!!

~it's all necessary steps approaching the real ambitions~

About Dreams

To have a beautiful bed

 The one that always be my dreams is to have a nice bedroom... or a nice bed will do... ^_^
With such a nice color, that"s a dream of many girls...
 But there is something bothering me... Am I a girl? A woman? or a lady?

 I don't need a big one, big enough for one person is just fine..
I feel like a princess :)
Dreaming to be a princess is not going to be a reality rite??
A dream like this is just too sweet for me.. :)

Take a deep look...
Deep inside your heart,. It's gonna says 
"hey! that is not a bad dreams..."

~It's a dream that can be a reality~

Good Morning

wish u a very sweet morning....
after a late night sleep, i was awake now... :)

Even though I'm not going to be visiting here often, I am not going to abandon my little heart here ^_^
Somehow, I can't promise that there will always be a new entry.  I am creating out my heart to figure it out. Therefore, I can share what I feel and light up the burden.. for now, not yet!! Newly born heart won't have that yet right  =____=

I have a new hope, a new dream, and a lot new things to do..
I will treasure this life and make it interesting..!!

~It's sure is the beginnings~

SecRet oF tHe NaMe

Queen Eun Hye Mi ( Elegent Intelligent, Pretty)

   This name is a name I created on my own. It's a new beginnings for a heart that has been returned after being snatch in previous chapter of life. Opening of a new book were just the same as living a new life. perhaps, a new name can help it create a new character in future to make life meaningful. Because this name will bring a better character in life and cheerful the heart to keep glowing.. out of anger, out of worries... just a sweet sweet memory and personality...just like how it means.

Therefore, the name brings a new hope for the heart to move on and living an interesting life.

" Happy New Year!!!
Wish this year to be much better than before.
 Lets start writing in a new book and look at the previous one 
as a reference."

" its a bunny sayings HELLO 2014!!! "
Then its a courage for a new beginnings.

"The person that i fall in love with is not the same person that stands today. 
Because the person that i love is my past,who was spending the life with me. 
And the person today is someone who is moving on his life without me"
...whoever they are...

~Somehow, that is how we move on~

"Although just a while we get to know someone, we know and remember them for this whole life. Even when we say good bye.. Even when they are not in our sight.. Our life becomes better when they come. We should live and interesting life and move on. Even when we are not together.. Because the moment we shared together were saved as a memory...

"That is how it supposed to be :) mei banfa... i got it!!"
And there is a heart appears.
Then it is a complete agreement to forget the past and move on..

Therefore, for the sake of my heart, my future and my life..
I'll make my life interesting and keep moving on and on...
Fighting!!!! ^_^

~and that is the end of 2013 love story~